Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Independent Genitive †Definition and Examples

Autonomous Genitive s The autonomous genitive is a development wherein the thing following the possessive structure is excluded, (for example, We halted at Sams), normally in light of the fact that the setting makes the significance understood without it. English likewise has autonomous genitive pronounsâ (also called strongâ orâ absoluteâ possessive pronouns):â mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours,â andâ theirs. In contrast to subordinate genitive pronouns (or frail possessives), which fill in as determiners before things, the autonomous genitive pronouns replace phrases. For instance, in the sentence Thats her book, her is reliant on the thing book, while in the sentence Thats hers, hers is autonomous. Academic Examples and Observations Interminable blue neon, were never closed.When the world is asleep,Darling, come take a seat.You can generally eat at Joes,Eat at Joes.(Gary Harrison and Matraca Maria Berg, Eat at Joes. Performed by Suzy Bogguss on Voices in the Wind, 1992)My mother discovered that she was conveying me at about a similar time the Second World War was announced; with the family ability for enchantment authenticity, she once revealed to me she had been to the specialists on the very day.(Angela Carter, The Mother Lode. Getting a move on. Penguin, 1998)I like the laundry. I like the feeling of reward and restoration. I like the manner in which filthy old torn garments are dumped, to be returned perfect and healthy in their elusive plastic cases.(Fay Weldon, The Heart of the Country. Viking Penguin, 1988)Apples piece of the pie is greater than BMWs or Mercedess or Porsches in the car advertise. Whats amiss with being BMW or Mercedes?(Steve Jobs, cited by Jason D. OGrady in Apple Inc. Greenwood, 2009)H e crossed Fifth Avenueâ at St. Patricks andâ recalled strolling through the congregation once - such a vacationer activity - and watching Lois light a candle.(Rick Hamlin, Reading Between the Lines. Howard Books, 2006) Free and Dependent Genitives A free genitive isn't trailed by a thing: A free genitive is frequently utilized in alluding to connections between individuals, as in these models. Notice that this development has a quite certain significance. The free genitive a companion of Carolines doesn't mean equivalent to the needy genitive Carolines companion: Free: We met a companion of Carolines in Spain. Subordinate: We met Carolines companion in Spain. The free genitive methods one of Carolines companions, who might possibly be known to the listener. Conversely, the needy genitive methods one explicit companion, who is thought to be known to the listener. Autonomous genitives are likewise utilized regarding spots and organizations: (Gerald Nelson, English: An Essential Grammar, second ed. Routledge, 2011) A companion of CarolinesA partner of FranksAn old armed force buddy of JimsShe remained at Rebeccas houseI ran into Jim in Sainsburys supermarketI left my wallet in the hair stylists the hairdressers shop Free Genitive Pronouns Note that the vast majority of the free structures are recognized from the reliant structures essentially by the nearness of a word-last - s. The special cases are the first individual autonomous genitive (mine as opposed to *mys), and the manly and unbiased types of the third individual free genitive (his, its), which are indistinguishable from the third individual ward genitive structures. These pronouns are regularly portrayed as possessive structures. This isn't the most valuable name, since the importance of these structures isn't confined to communicating ownership. This is appeared in the models in (27), just the first can be said to include the semantic connection of ownership: (27a) I should clean my vehicle. (27b) The teachers were not amazed by his disappointment. (27c) Their old neighborhood is Cambridge. (Martin J. Endley, Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar. Data Age, 2010) There are four sorts of individuals. (1) He who says What’s mine will be mine and what’s yours is yoursthis is the normal sort. (What's more, some state, This is the kind of Sodom.) (2) Whats mine is yours and whats yours is minethis is an animal. (3) Whats mine is yours and whats yours is yoursthis is a genuinely devout man. (4) Whats mine will be mine and whats yours is minethis is a genuinely mischievous man. (Tractate Abot 5:10. The Book of Jewish Wisdom: The Talmud of the Well-Considered Life, ed. by Jacob Neusner and Noam M. M. Neusner. Continuum, 1996)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Really Caused the American Revolution

History specialists have contended about the numerous prospects of why the American Revolution happened. The explanation behind this is the primary driver of the insurgency caused other as far as anyone knows â€Å"causes of the revolution†. The most essential least difficult reason for the American Revolution is simply the way that separation debilitates authority; more prominent separation debilitates authority significantly more enormously. Detachment from the â€Å"child† country (Thirteen Colonies) from its motherland (Great Britain) was inevitable.During the Seven Years’ War Britain thought the provinces were acting repulsive and were the reason for the Seven Years’ War in light of the fact that the war began in America. When it attempted to recover control Britain was stunned when it saw that they were losing handle of their thirteen settlements and saw their youngster was growing up into a pre-adult. America wasn’t truly searching for autono my they looked for just to guarantee the â€Å"rights of Englishmen†, however impacts between two distinct perspectives on realm divided the American states and their homeland; likewise Americans were consistently pushing toward an increasingly self-gover nment.But there were additionally those other apparently â€Å"causes of the revolution† that happened. A way Britain attempted to recover control and the ? 140 million they were owing debtors for protecting the American settlements, forced Navigation laws which implied that all business streaming to and from the provinces would be shipped distinctly in British vessels. At that point there were the expenses, one which made the American pioneers furious was the Stamp Act of 1765.Prime Minister George Grenville was angry of the provinces and requested British naval force to start authorizing the route laws all the more carefully and made sure about from Parliament the Sugar Act of 1764, raised obligation on outside suga r imported from the West Indies, and was the principal law at any point went for bringing charge income up in the states for the crown. At that point there was the Quartering Act of 1765, required certain provinces to give food and quarters to British soldiers. The Stamp Act of 1765 commanded the utilization of stepped paper or the appending of stamps, guaranteeing installment of tax.These stamps were required on bills of offer for around fifty exchange things, specific kinds of business and authoritative reports, including playing a game of cards, flyers, papers, confirmations, bills of replenishing, and marriage licenses. Despite the fact that the Americans weren’t being burdened as much as British individuals they were as yet offended, they felt Grenville’s poisonous enactment imperiled the fundamental privileges of the pioneers as Englishmen. Furious American throats raised the cry â€Å"No tax imposition without any political benefit! They yielded the privilege o f Parliament to administer about issues that influenced the whole realm; they relentlessly prevented the privilege from securing Parliament to force burdens on Americans. Just their own chosen frontier lawmaking bodies could legitimately burden them. Grenville excused these American fights and stated regardless the Americans were spoken to in Parliament. He guaranteed that each individual from Parliament spoke to every single British subject, even those Americans in Boston or Charleston who had never decided in favor of an individual from parliament this hypothesis is known as â€Å"virtual representation†.The Americans didn’t like this thought by any stretch of the imagination, and honestly didn’t truly need any immediate portrayal in Parliament. Pilgrims clung to no tax imposition without any political benefit. Benjamin Franklin, at that point in London as a noticeable provincial operator affirmed before a panel of the House of Commons. He responded to fluctua tes questions splendidly. He brought up that if a military power would be sent to America no one would be found in arms â€Å"what would they say they are then to do? They can't drive a man to take stamps who decides to manage without them. They won't discover a resistance: they may without a doubt make one. Provincial objections against the loathed stamp charge took different structures. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 it was one all the more stopping yet critical advance toward intercolonial solidarity. Increasingly viable was the Nonimportation Agreements against British products. Some viciousness went with frontier fights, two gatherings called Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty went rogue. They authorized the nonimportation understandings against violators, frequently they would publicly shame them, and scoured places of disagreeable officials.About one-portion of British delivery was dedicated to American exchange, dealers, makers, and shippers endured as a result of the nonimportation understandings. After a stormy discussion Parliament canceled the Stamp Act. â€Å"Champagne Charley† Townshend could convey the most amazing talks even while alcoholic. He convinced Parliament to pass the Townshend Acts in 1767; generally significant of these new guidelines was a light import obligation on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea. He made them an aberrant traditions obligation payable at American ports. Be that as it may, Americans still weren’t attached to this and discovered it the same than the Stamp Act.They still were charges and without portrayal. Americans found the duty on tea increasingly annoying on the grounds that an expected 1 million individuals drank the drink two times per day. The pilgrims by and by attempted the nonimportation understandings yet end up being less viable than the ones against the Stamp Act. They despite everything paid attention to the duty less basically on the grounds that it was light and circuitous . Also they discovered they could carry the tea at a modest cost. English authorities sent two regiments of troops to Boston. Numerous settlers felt hatred against the nearness of the warriors and provoked them unmercifully.On March 5, 1770 a horde of around 60 townspeople assaulted a group of around ten redcoats. Furthermore, with no defense and without orders started shooting and executed or injured eleven â€Å"innocent† residents. In spite of the fact that the redcoats just acted along these lines since they were under outrageous incitement, one of them was hit by a club and another was wrecked. Defiance was as yet inescapable by 1773, nonimportation was debilitating, and the pilgrims were hesitantly paying the tea charge in light of the fact that the legitimate tea was less expensive than the pirated tea it was much less expensive than the tea in England.The British East India Company was failing a direct result of the 17 million pounds of unsold tea. The London governme nt would fall and lose charge income vigorously. So the service helped the organization by giving it unlimited oversight of the American tea business. Americans were offended and felt as though they were being deceived. In Philadelphia and New York mass shows constrained tea-bearing boats to come back to England with their freight keeps despite everything full. The most vital of this doing was in Boston, Massachusetts.Thomas Hutchinson, legislative head of Massachusetts had just felt the anger of the irate crowd, when Stamp Act protestors had devastated his home. Despite the fact that he despite everything requested the tea ships not to leave Boston until all its freight was emptied. Rankled Bostonians camouflaged as Indians boarded on the boats and crushed open 342 chests of tea and dumped it into the Boston harbor. Parliament reacted to the Boston Tea Party right away. In 1774 arrangement of acts were made. Americans called them â€Å"the slaughter of American Liberty† by o thers as the â€Å"Intolerable Acts†, huge numbers of the contracted privileges of provincial Massachusetts were cleared away.And with the â€Å"Intolerable Acts† came the Quebec Act, both took a break. American saw this demonstration particularly harmful, it appeared to set a perilous point of reference in America against jury preliminaries and mainstream congregations. Land theorists got frightened; enemies of Catholics got upset to see an enormous trans-Allegheny region grabbed from them. All these evidently â€Å"causes of the revolution† rubbed the Americans, they were exhausted so they went to a bringing of a Continental Congress in 1774.The congress thought of a few honorable papers including the Declaration of Rights, and claims to other British American settlements to the lord and British individuals. Despite the fact that they weren’t searching for freedom and looked for simply to cancel the hostile enactment and come back to the cheerful days b efore parliamentary tax assessment, when they were disregarded. On the off chance that these frontier complaints weren’t taken to thought the Congress was to meet once more. What's more, obviously they weren’t, gradually war would crawl up behind them. The British and the Americans currently wavered near the very edge of hard and fast fighting. Along these lines the American Revolution.

Friday, August 21, 2020

MeisterTask Provides Visibility Without Micromanagement for CAD Managers - Focus

MeisterTask Provides Visibility Without Micromanagement for CAD Managers - Focus Computer Aided Design (CAD) managers wear many hats. Beside their various managerial responsibilities, such as workload scheduling and managing staff, their days are filled with reviewing drawings, building standards, troubleshooting CAD-related issues and more. To stay on top of all these tasks and keep upper management in the loop without any extra effort, CAD managers can use MeisterTask. What Is MeisterTask? MeisterTask is a an intuitive online task manager that visualizes tasks in Kanban-style project boards. CAD managers can share projects with staff for easy task assigning, as well as with upper management, to provide them with a bird’s-eye view of everything that’s going on. “CAD managers and admins wear many different hats and usually end up doing a ton of different things on any given day,” explains Jisell Howe, AutoCAD Certified CAD Administrator at Uponor. “That’s why my boss suggested I look into using an app that would provide more visibility to that.” BIM/CAD Managers: are you looking for a way to bring visibility with what you do on a day to day basis to Upper Management? Check out @meistertask . Its free and produces an easy to use kanban board. Visibility without the micromanagement ?? â€" Jisell Howe, CDT (@ji5ell) November 21, 2018 After doing some research, Jisell quickly settled on MeisterTask. “I love the Kanban card system because I can drag and drop cards to different sections based on where a task is at any point,” she explains. “I also like how each card represents a task/idea, and that supporting details can all be stored inside those cards. This way, Im able to show things at a big picture level, while I can focus on the task at hand. Its easy to implement and maintain. Its great!” In contrast to other Kanban-based task managers, MeisterTask not only visualizes workflows but also automates them. Here are a few examples of task automations CAD managers can set up: Get notified via Slack or email when a new drawing is ready for review Start the time tracking when a task is moved into the “In Progress” section Send an email to upper management when a task has been completed Automatically assign tasks to responsible team members Ready to get started? MeisterTask Basic is free to use and offers unlimited projects, tasks and collaborators. To get automations, integrations, and other power features, you can upgrade to one of MeisterTask’s premium plans anytime. Made for CAD ManagersGet Visibility Without Micromanagement Try MeisterTask Free Try MeisterTask MeisterTask Provides Visibility Without Micromanagement for CAD Managers - Focus Computer Aided Design (CAD) managers wear many hats. Beside their various managerial responsibilities, such as workload scheduling and managing staff, their days are filled with reviewing drawings, building standards, troubleshooting CAD-related issues and more. To stay on top of all these tasks and keep upper management in the loop without any extra effort, CAD managers can use MeisterTask. What Is MeisterTask? MeisterTask is a an intuitive online task manager that visualizes tasks in Kanban-style project boards. CAD managers can share projects with staff for easy task assigning, as well as with upper management, to provide them with a bird’s-eye view of everything that’s going on. “CAD managers and admins wear many different hats and usually end up doing a ton of different things on any given day,” explains Jisell Howe, AutoCAD Certified CAD Administrator at Uponor. “That’s why my boss suggested I look into using an app that would provide more visibility to that.” BIM/CAD Managers: are you looking for a way to bring visibility with what you do on a day to day basis to Upper Management? Check out @meistertask . Its free and produces an easy to use kanban board. Visibility without the micromanagement ?? â€" Jisell Howe, CDT (@ji5ell) November 21, 2018 After doing some research, Jisell quickly settled on MeisterTask. “I love the Kanban card system because I can drag and drop cards to different sections based on where a task is at any point,” she explains. “I also like how each card represents a task/idea, and that supporting details can all be stored inside those cards. This way, Im able to show things at a big picture level, while I can focus on the task at hand. Its easy to implement and maintain. Its great!” In contrast to other Kanban-based task managers, MeisterTask not only visualizes workflows but also automates them. Here are a few examples of task automations CAD managers can set up: Get notified via Slack or email when a new drawing is ready for review Start the time tracking when a task is moved into the “In Progress” section Send an email to upper management when a task has been completed Automatically assign tasks to responsible team members Ready to get started? MeisterTask Basic is free to use and offers unlimited projects, tasks and collaborators. To get automations, integrations, and other power features, you can upgrade to one of MeisterTask’s premium plans anytime. Made for CAD ManagersGet Visibility Without Micromanagement Try MeisterTask Free Try MeisterTask

Monday, May 25, 2020

Young Black Male - 850 Words

Summary of Black Men and Public Space Staples Brent in â€Å"Black Men and Public Space† described the difficulties that a young black male may encounter during his ordinary life. It is explained that, even if you are a well-educated citizen, but you are a black man—more than six feet height with a not shaved face—you could face unfair prejudice and judgment all the time in street. At the very beginning of the article Brent start with â€Å"My first victim was a woman—white, well-dressed, probably in her late twenties† (207). Leaves reader with a sense of curiosity for looking after evidence of nastiness in the upcoming story that is going to be read. Brent explains his personal experience as a young black African-American, also looking tall and†¦show more content†¦It is very hard to understand that he is not distinguishable from criminals who rob people every day. The scariest thing that bothers him much more than anything else, is that more than often there are possibilitie s in these kind of situations that fear of someone will put a dramatic end to life of someone like him. What make the situation even worse are prejudiced people like policemen or cabdrivers whose duty is judge individuals like him before they commit anything wrong. As he moves to New York, his problem with sleeping still remains despite the fact that crowded places in Manhattan reduce the tension he had been experiencing. Yet there are narrow streets in Brooklyn where he faced unpleasant moments. â€Å"I often see women who fear the worst from me† (208). Although he is suffering the heavy atmosphere above him caused by people prejudice, he understands that the source of that fear is not just something unreal. Of course women are physically weaker and more vulnerable to street crimes. On the other hand, black males are typically the first suspect for all these kind of nastiness. He never realized the feeling of being under pressure of other people judgment until he got to the age of 22. All his life before that age he was living in a neighborhood where most of the people were black, and mostlyShow MoreRelatedRacism And Its Effects On Young Black Males3146 Words   |  13 Pageshas had a powerful negative force in society. There have been many efforts made to relieve racism. Racism is still present in America, although many people are doing their best to put a stop to racism and its somewhat devastating effects on young black males in society. â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why Financial Institutions Are Necessary In An Economy Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1522 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Cause and effect essay Did you like this example? It is no doubt that the existence of any developed economy must leans on a well operated financial system (Moore et al 1990). A financial system was defined by Viney (2003) as a system which can comprise a range of financial institutions, instruments markets that facilitate transactions for goods and services and financial transactions. An efficient financial market makes the exchange of value for goods and services much easier (Viney 2003). Due to the financial system in present society, people do not have the barter to trade (Moore et al 1990). It would be extremely difficult to trade value without financial system and markets. Modern financial institutions, instruments and markets are the foundation of current business transaction. In present society, financial markets are performing a vital role of channeling funds. Basically, in financial markets, funds are transferred from people who have superfluous money to those people who have a shortage (Mishkin and Eak ins 2009). Namely, savers of funds will purchase financial instruments and users of funds issue financial instruments (Edmister 1986). Therefore, the relationship between savers and users of funds creates the flow of funds and financial markets (Viney 2003). A well-functioning financial market is conducive for the development and a long term economic growth (Tennant, Kirton and Abdulkadri 2010). In contrast, a poorly organized financial market is a major reason for why many countries are still remaining poor (Mishkin and Eakins 2009). Hence, the efficiency and capability of financial institutions clearly influences the growth and development of any society and the well-being of its citizens (Bryant 1987, Yeager 1989). This essay not only identifies several functions of financial institutions, but also demonstrates the vital role of financial institutions, in order to explain why financial institutions are extremely necessary in an economy. The first function of financial intermed iaries is that to help reduce the exposure of investors to actuarial risk (Mehta and Fung 2004, Mishkin and Eakins 2009). To understand this function, people ought to consider the investment risk from the perspective of a group of investors (Mehta and Fung 2004). Financial institutions achieve its risk reduction function by sharing the risk. Financial intermediaries allow assets to be created and then sold to investors with a comfortable level of risk. Financial institutions utilize the funds which obtained by the assets they have sold to purchase other more risky assets. Due to this and their excellent investment knowledge financial institutions can enjoy lower transaction costs than individuals and thus earn profits from this transformation process. On the other hand, the profits can be paid out to investors who purchased assets from financial institutions. Therefore, risky assets are transformed into safer assets for investors by financial intermediaries (Mishkin and Eakins 2009) . For instance, assume one single investor wants to invest $100 into a company whose shares are selling at $100 apiece. However, the investor faces a 10 percent chance of failure. If the company goes bankrupt, the investor will lose all his money because of this investment. If there are 100 investors want to invest to this company. Each of them is holding $100 fund and also each of them is confronting 10 percent risk of failure. Now these 10 investors pool funds together to form a bank. The bank will loan $1000 to the company. If the company failed, each investor faces just a 10 percent lose in their investment. Thus, financial intermediaries reduce the risk to customers and achieve profits through the specialist skills in credit risk management and monitoring system (Hogan et al 2001). Furthermore, the financial markets and institutions promote individuals to diversify in a variety of investments. Diversification means investors are able to combine different financial instrument s into a portfolio (Edmister 1986). A portfolio was defined by Viney (2003) as a combination of assets and liabilities that includes a wide range of financial securities. Modern portfolio theory was first introduced by Markowitz in 1952 when he published his paper Portfolio selection (Mitchell 2010). Ordinarily, a diversified portfolio is much less risky than a portfolio comprising a range of related and similar investments (Edmister 1986). In other words, it is conceivable that total risk will be reduced because losses in some investments are counteracted by gains in others. Hence, in present financial system, customers are able to choose a wide range of alternative financial assets to manage investors risk (Hogan et al 2001). However, it is easy to confuse between actuarial risk and portfolio risk. There is a fine distinction between the two. The actuarial risk focuses on the risk sharing behavior of a group of investors, but portfolio risk is from the perspective of one investor to invest a group of financial assets (Mehta and Fung 2004). The second significant function of financial institutions is informational efficiency (Mehta and Fung 2004, Mishkin and Eakins 2009). The reason why financial intermediaries play such a crucial role in society is that one party does not know adequate information about other parties in order to make investment decision (Holod and Peek 2010). Two main problems are created by asymmetric information. The first one is called adverse selection. The second problem is moral hazard. Adverse selection is the problem created before the financial transaction occurs (Florin and Simsek 2007). Due to asymmetric information, lenders are not necessarily well informed about the complete financial status of the funds borrowers. Although the lender desires the potential profits which may be produced by the borrower, the lender also may decide not to make any loans to the borrower, because the funds borrower is likely to create a bad credit . In comparison, moral hazard occurs after the financial transaction. From the money lenders point of view, the borrower might be involved in some unethical activities which can cause bad credit, such as gambling. The fund lender may decide not to lend money to the borrower, because of high bad credit risk (Kostas 2009). Therefore, financial institutions are required in financial markets to avoid these two problems. Moreover, financial institutions gather the information from market and researching the investment opportunities. By the research and analysis of information, the financial institutions reduce risk and magnify return (Mehta and Fung 2004). Customers can benefit from the information which is provided by financial intermediaries. In return, individual investors just pay an amount of commission and fees. The financial system is a principal information provider for markets and individuals who are involved with investment, because financial intermediaries are well equipped and have skillful staff to analysis market information (Viney 2003). Thus, financial institutions can mitigate impediment which created by asymmetric information to a well-functioning financial market (Hadlock and James 2003). Another function of financial intermediaries is to increase the liquidity. The liquidity of assets means the ability to sell an asset within a reasonable time, at the current market value and for reasonable transaction costs (Covitz and Downing 2007). If an investor can convert an asset into cash easily and quickly, with little or no loss of value, then the asset into has liquidity. Financial institutions are responsible for distributing funds to potential users, increasing the liquidity of funds. This is a pivotal function of financial institutions. The funds can be transferred by financial institutions from one party to another. In other words, Money will flow to the party who has particular needs through liquidity and cash flow patterns. Nothing is more important than the capital flows for the development of a society (Chung, Elder and Kim 2010). The liquidity function of financial institutions enhances the flexibility of funds (Maug 2002). For example, an investor seeks to invest in a company without sufficient funds. However, the investor has a car and currently holding some other companys stock. If the financial system is efficient, the financial market enables the investor to acquire cash by selling his car and other stock, in order to get a greater return by investing into the company. It is extremely difficult to manage financial transactions without the assistance of financial institutions. As we have seen, the investor needs cash to invest in the company. However, if there is no financial institution that can help this investor to sell his car and stock, the investor has to hire a specialist to write up contracts for this transaction. The cost of hiring an agent will offset the potential profits from this new investment. T his example illustrates that financial institutions can assist individual customers to step into financial markets and benefit from them. Hence, financial intermediaries can augment the liquidity of shares and promote more individuals to invest into financial markets, because financial institutions are able to substantially reduce the transaction cost (Mishkin and Eakins 2009). To conclude, there are three reasons why financial institutions are necessary in an economy. The first reason is that financial institutions enable to reduce the risk for investment. Risky assets can be transformed into safer assets for investors by financial intermediaries. Moreover, financial institutions also help investors to create a financial portfolio to offset the risk of different financial instruments. The second reason is that financial institutions provide information for markets. This function efficiently averts adverse selection and moral hazard (Darrough and Stoughton 1986). The third reason is that financial intermediaries increase the liquidity of shares. It assists more individual investors to invest to financial markets, because financial institutions reduce the transaction cost substantially. Due to these three reasons, financial institutions are extremely vital for the development of an economy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why Financial Institutions Are Necessary In An Economy Finance Essay" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Torture and Public Policy - 907 Words

Summary ‘Torture and public policy’ said about story of brutal torture which arouse in Abu Ghraib. Brutal torture was outcome of chain of actions. Although upper officer did not intend make it occur. This is chronological order which bring about brutal torture. 1. President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld decided, against the advice of some professional military officers, to limi the number of troops sen to Iraq. 2. President Bush decided that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to al Qaeda. 3. Assistant Attorney General Bybee defined torture narrowly and argued that the commander-in-chief power negated the law against torture. 4. Secretary Rumsfeld expanded the range of†¦show more content†¦Public should be interested in administration and policy. In these days turnout degradation prevailed. This makes incentive to work hard and reflect public interest for administrator and parliament weak. So we have to be concerned which interest was secured and not secured. If we react sensitively to administration and policy, they have to listen to public interest. Consequently securing the public interest turns on public not administration and parliament. 4. In the pfiffner case, list the central factors that you found led to its tragedy. Rank those you see as most important. Which ones were least important? What criteria did you use to rank order these factors? All factors affecting this tragedy have some shares. Because there are no one who will anticipate and plan this tragedy. It is just series of work and mingled decision making. Various mingled factors make unsuspected outcomes. So it is difficult to rate who is most responsible. But I think Bush who has most powerful right to decide should have been careful. Because his decision spread out from top of administration to bottom of administration. Furthermore, if there are some inapparent decision from top of administration, bottom of administration has to interpret arbitrarily, which can makes unsuspected outcomes. 5. Given your list, does it differ from Friedrich’s and Finer’s prescriptions for achieving the administrativeShow MoreRelatedTorture and Public Policy1586 Words   |  7 PagesTorture and Public Policy Kevin Huckabee Stephen F. Austin State University Prepared for: PBA-500 Survey of Public Administration Abstract The subsequent case study, prepared by James P. Pfiffner, Torture and Public Policy, (2010) analyzes the torture and abuse of war prisoners by United States military personnel in Abu Ghraib, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, following photographs of the abuse spread around the world in the fall of 2003. Pfiffner points out that the United States Military, SecretaryRead MoreHow Do Foreign Affairs During Vietnam Justify Public Or Private Tactical Behavior?1633 Words   |  7 Pagesdegree is torture valuable? 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Torture is defined as a â€Å"deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical and mental suffering by one or more persons acting alone or on the orders of an authority to force another person to yield information, make a confession, etc† (Torture). Throughout history, torture has been used for extreme punishment or unreasonably hateful oppression but more recently torture has been used to force theRead MoreWheel of torture1724 Words   |  7 PagesWHEEL OF TORTURE Ten (10) Philippine National Police officers have been discharged after revelations that they played a game called â€Å"wheel of torture† at a secret detention facility. The Commission on Human Rights is looking into the supposed maltreatment of up to 41 detainees in the Philippine National Police facility in Bià ±an, Laguna. The facility is a 200-square-meter bungalow being rented by the Laguna police intelligence branch first district unit composed of 12 staffs. At the kitchen areaRead MoreTorture and National Security: A Moral Question Essay1388 Words   |  6 Pagesaddresses these questions, there seems to be room for expansion with a type of gray area subject. The text that I recommend for inclusion into the Calling and Leadership 102 curriculum is an 1978 entry into the Philosophy and Public Affairs journal simply entitled, Torture, written by Henry Shue, a Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Politics and International Relations at Oxford University. If included in the curriculum, it would be in the Section 3b, which asks if disobedience or violence

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music to me Essay Example For Students

Music to me Essay Music is an important aspect of everyday life; it can be heard everywhere from the car radio to the local coffee shop. It allows people to express their thoughts and feelings in a way nothing else can. Music also has the unique ability to connect people on a deeper level and come together as one. To me, music serves as an outlet. Im able to escape whatever problems Im having and lose myself in the song. As mentioned, music has an extreme power of conveying a message and making people feel a certain way. Its always there for me whether Im sad, happy, angry or rotenone. Music can put my mind at ease and change my mood within minutes. If Im having a bad day, I can listen to my favorite song or band and almost instantly forget what was bothering me to begin with. Its able alleviate my stress and remember the positive things in life. Music also helps me recognize what Im subconsciously feeling. For example, if I feel myself connecting to slow and somber songs I begin to realize that something is upsetting me in my life. Such songs make me concentrate on the meaning behind the lyrics and focus on what specifically is setting me. Just by listening to the song, Im able to clear my head and feel better about my life. This is important to me because I can stay in tune with my emotions and relate to the true meaning of the music. Another reason why I love music is because it brings people together so easily. No matter what country someone is from or what religion they are, music can serve as a common ground. My friends and I are different in many ways but we all share the same passion for music whether it is rock, country, RB, or even Jazz. No matter what mere is playing, we all enjoy singing and dancing along whether we know the song or not. It brings out the best in each of us because it allows us to relax and have fun together. Concerts are also important to my friends and me, especially in the summer. Transitioning from high school to college was difficult; it was hard for me not to see my friends everyday. However, when were all home in the summer we get together and go to the local concerts; country concerts in particular. Not only is it great to reunite with my best friends but also we are able to bond over something we al deeply appreciate. Music is a universal language to which everyone can relate and understand. It can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on who is listening. RB, for instance, can make one person feel depressed while another feels uplifted and inspired. Each person takes away a different meaning of the lyrics while getting lost in the melody and rhythm of the song. I like that it can be deciphered in so many different ways because it gives me a new perspective each time I listen to it. If every song meant the same to each person, there would be nothing unique or special about music. Music is a big part of my life and without it I would be lost. It has shaped who I am today and how I react to certain situations. It gives me an alternative way to express how I feel when nothing else can. No matter whats going on in my life I can always rely on music being there for me. I love being able to listen too song and relate it to a time in my life where I was happy and blissful. Even certain genres give me that Joyful Music to me By penumbras immediately. The messages each song conveys is so powerful that it gives me an opportunity to escape my own mind and think clearly.

Monday, April 6, 2020

What is a Dedicated Server (And When Do You Need One)

Much like many other new site owners, you probably opted for shared hosting when you first launched your website. After all, it’s the cheapest option, and budget is important. However, as your website grows, it’s important to know when to upgrade to something more substantial. There are plenty of options, and you may have pondered, What is a dedicated server – and why do I need one?The answer lies in the reasons for wanting to upgrade in the first place. For example, you may be dealing with a rise in immediate traffic, or anticipating growth in the near future. Dedicated servers are ideal for this, along with their strong enhanced security features and potential positive impact on page loading times.In this guide, we’ll explain what dedicated servers are, then compare this type of hosting to other common types. Then we’ll offer some advice on how to decide whether or not dedicated hosting is right for you. Let’s get started! Dedicated hosting essentially means that your website has its own server all to itself. It offers immense power and flexibility, but usually comes at a premium. As such, its important to do your research before opting to purchase this type of plan.For example, most websites start out with a shared hosting plan but soon grow to exceed that cheap shared plans limits. Your options here could include an upgrade to a virtual private server (VPS) or a dedicated one. Its up to you to weigh up the different options.As you may be aware, shared hosting stores  your site on a server with potentially hundreds of others. For personal blogs or very small businesses, this option is sufficient. However, its not the best option for performance, and you also lose out on flexibility because you cant configure things yourself (since you have to share with others).On the other hand, a VPS gives your site its own space, separate from other sites, while still sharing a server. Since your site is blocked off from other u sers, its performance will likely be more consistent. You also get a little more flexibility when it comes to how your server is configured.These types of plans can offer you the speed you need at a lower cost than dedicated hosting, and represent a good middle ground for those looking to upgrade.However, dedicated hosting is the plan of choice if you need the most power for your money. However, as youd expect, the downside is cost, and some run up to three-figures per month. Fortunately, by the time your website needs one to handle its traffic, it may very well be worth it.Why would you need a dedicated server (4 key reasons)?As we mentioned, dedicated hosting is one of the most powerful server plans available, along with cloud hosting. However, you may be asking whether you need it. Lets review four reasons you should consider opening your wallet!1. Your website is growing and needs to be able to handle an increase in trafficIf you anticipate that your website is going to grow qui ckly, it might be a good idea to opt for a dedicated server now. For example, if your site is still using shared hosting when your traffic spikes, its performance could drop significantly. This can be a slippery slope of higher bounce rates and loss of revenue.  Its important to give yourself time to migrate your site and settle its performance before any potential problems arise.According to FXBlog, your site should be prepared to handle spikes of up to  30 times  your normal daily traffic, to account for promotions and special events. If youre not prepared, your site could crash or otherwise lead to a negative user experience (UX).2. Security is a concern for your websiteSecurity is important for every website, but especially for those handling sensitive information. This could include confidential emails, credit card numbers, or sensitive customer information. Its crucial to protect this information and your website from viruses, hacks, and other risks.With a dedicated serv er, youre completely in charge of your sites security. This means you can optimize the features you need for the specific requirements of your website and stored files. Of course, youre also responsible for how these features are implemented, but this is one of the benefits of flexibility.However, some hosts offer fully-managed and semi-managed maintenance plans. In a nutshell, you can often specify what both you and your host will be responsible for, which means you can trust an expert with mission-critical functionality, while handling all other concerns directly.3. Youd like your page loading times to be optimalYour page loading times can have a significant impact on practically all aspects of your website. Slow pages can lead to low engagement metrics and high bounce rates. A dedicated server can help you to optimize this aspect of your website as much as possible.On a shared server, you won’t have any insight into when the server’s resources are being used elsewhe re, which could make your site run slowly. Opting for a dedicated server will guarantee you have the bandwidth you need to enhance your page loading times.4. Having control over your server is important to youThe final reason you may want to choose a dedicated server over other options is a simple one: control. Weve alluded to this in previous sections, but dedicated hosting gives you complete responsibility over how you choose to use your server.For example, youre even free to choose the server software you prefer. If you favor the resource control of NGINX over Apache, you have the power to do so. Plus, you can adjust hardware specifications and install your own operating system (OS).  Because of this, dedicated hosting may be an enticing option for advanced web developers, and those with unique and specific requirements.Where can you get dedicated hosting?Youll find that many of the popular hosting companies offer plans on the whole spectrum of complexity and price. This means that youll often find a cheap shared hosting setups and powerful dedicated servers from the same company.Some of our favorites are:Bluehost from $79.99/moA2 Hosting from $99.59/moSiteGround from $269.00/moWhen should you opt for a dedicated server?Now weve gone over some of the benefits of dedicated hosting, lets talk briefly about how to know if its right for you. After all, a VPS provides many of the same features, but at a cheaper price.First, consider whether your site is receiving more traffic. If the numbers are much higher than previously, it may be time to upgrade from your current plan. Your choice will either be VPS, cloud hosting, or dedicated hosting.All three offer the potential for large bandwidths and fast page loading times. However, dedicated hosting has an edge over a VPS when it comes to security, if only because you have absolute control over how the server runs and operates.Ultimately, as with many other WordPress considerations, your decision will depend on the specific needs of your website. Certainly, if budget is no concern, you cant go wrong with a dedicated server. However, much like choosing your very first hosting plan, cost will become a primary concern when making your decision.Conclusion on what is a dedicated serverIf your website is struggling to keep up with an increase in traffic, it may be time to migrate your website to a dedicated server. This is essentially a server that only hosts your site, and not only can it improve your sites performance, but also enhance your page loading times and help you optimize security. You want to have control over every aspect of your server.Do you have any questions about dedicated servers and why you might need one? Ask away in the comments section below!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips. * This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and then purc hase the product, well receive a small fee. No worries though, youll still pay the standard amount so theres no cost on your part.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Ideal Relationship

The Ideal Relationship In today’s society, both men and women have assumed different roles in their respective families and societies. However, in most cultures around the world men are somehow more glorified than women. In such patriarchal societies, women are expected to serve and respect men. Therefore, women are brought up knowing how to serve and respect their fathers, husbands, and grandfathers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ideal Relationship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such societies have lately been the target of feminist movements. To most people, especially those in the Western worlds this manner of doing things is outdated and should be repealed entirely (O’Neill, Horton and Crosby 72). This has not had much effect because most patriarchal societies go on with their lives unperturbed. This raises the question of what is an ideal relationship between men and women. In my view, an ideal relationship consi sts of clearly demarcated roles and responsibilities between the two genders. Most of those in the feminist movement usually have a biased outlook of a patriarchal society. To them women in these societies are denied their basic rights. Therefore, when the women chose to cook, clean, and care for their husbands, it is assumed that this is against their will. This is not always the case. Historically, men and women have always served different roles in their societies. This pattern has been in existence for thousands of years and even previous laws considered this fact greatly (Hare 17). However, there is a difference between being treated differently and being oppressed. This distinction is often overlooked by most of those in the feminist movement. As one writer notes, â€Å"a misunderstanding of the roles nature has given to women will only take part in the breakdown of the sacred ties of the family† (Crawford and Unger 100). A perfect relationship is not however built on f ear between men and women. Men who are afraid that women are going to take over from them are misinformed. Careers do not necessarily interfere with gender roles. It is possible for a woman to assume whichever career she wishes and still fulfill her role in the society. For instance, the most common gender role is that in relationships men should lead women.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is a good example of how gender roles are misconstrued. This is because the woman is not supposed to be a follower of all the men in the planet. She is only supposed to be a follower of the man she is in a relationship with. This means that in an ideologically perfect relationship the woman can be the president of a multi-national company. However, when she goes home she meets her leader, the one who is supposed to alleviate all her fears and insecurities. Using the same logic, a man can be working in the lowest position possible but he should be able to lead the way in a relationship. The mutual respect between men and women should exist without the pressure associated with the feminist movement. Men have nothing to gain by trying to keep women down and denying them even their fundamental rights. Moreover, women have nothing to gain relationship-wise by trying to confront and equate themselves to their men (McBride-Stetson 27). While such issues may be good topics for public debates, they should not be in doubt when it comes to relationships. In a perfect relationship, it should not be a matter of debate about who is supposed to lead the other. This and other roles should be clear to both of the parties involved in a relationship. In addition, this should not be a matter to be decided after a relationship has already begun, men and women should be in the clear about these roles right from the start. A clear demarcation in gender roles ensures that there is good communication and respect in a relationship. Usually, these are the agents that bring about love in a relationship. When a man and a woman have clear roles and responsibilities, there is little room for conflict and misunderstandings. Perfect relationships are those that are able to withstand currents like those of feministic or chauvinistic views (Strathern 277). In my view, in a perfect relationship it should not be an everyday quest when deciding who should carry out which role. For instance, if it is the wife’s duty to cook for the family this should be the case as long as she is present and healthy. In addition, if it is the woman’s role to bring home the bacon the man should not be influenced by chauvinistic or feministic views and end up feeling inferior (Walters et al. 89).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ideal Relationship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Statistics have shown that s ince the advent of the feminist movement, the rate of breakdown in relationships has skyrocketed (Haraway and Cyborg 68). This is simply because this movement is inconsiderate of what makes up a perfect relationship. In a perfect relationship, it is not about what rights each partner has, but more about what responsibilities each partner seeks to fulfill to the other. Therefore, when roles and responsibilities are clearly laid down, the resulting relationship is nothing short of perfect. Crawford, Mary, and Rhoda Unger. Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Print. Haraway, Donna, and Ann Cyborg. Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the  Late Twentieth Century, New York: Routledge, 1991. Print. Hare, Rachel. The Problem of Gender in Family Therapy Theory. Family  Process 26.1 (2004): 15-27. Print. McBride-Stetson, Dorothy. Womens Rights in the U.S.A.: Policy Debates and Gender  Roles, New York: Routledge, 2004. Print. O’Neill, R egina , Sylvia Horton, and Faye Crosby. Gender Issues in Developmental Relationships. Family Process 34.1 (2007): 63-80. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Strathern, Marilyn. An Awkward Relationship: The Case of Feminism and Anthropology. Signs 12.1 (1987): 276-292. Print. Walters, Marianne, et al. The Invisible Web: Gender Patterns in Family Relationships, New York: Guilford Press, 1991. Print.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Kiosk Technology paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Kiosk Technology - Research Paper Example Kiosk point-of-sale systems provide 24 x 7 availability to the customers where they can make transactions in an easy, user-friendly manner (Silicon Landmark, n.d.). The ease, with which transactions can be made, provides an important element towards an organization's ability to attract customers; as the customers look for user-friendly and always available systems that can take care of their needs. Kiosk promises to be the technological advancement that can take care of this need. In addition, kiosks provide customers with product information and interactive features that improves the overall image of the company in customers' minds. Kiosks are available in various types and for various purposes. Ranging from a simple cash register to a complex and integrated ATM (Automated Teller Machine), kiosks are believed to improve customer relationships, reduce headcounts for manual/ traditional operations, to take benefit of technology boom, to achieve accuracy and efficiency in operations and to improve customers' perception about the company by providing various marketing and product/ services information on the kiosk terminals. However, as yet no study has been conducted to verify the above claims of kiosk vendors. Whitech Solution (n.d.) has explained the process through which the customers are relieved from standing in the queue for getting a product or service; rather they can use the self service feature that is provided by the kiosk system at POS sites to reduce the response time that is otherwise on a higher side in traditional systems. The kiosk software communicates directly with organization's database systems from where it fetches information to the customer at the kiosk site. 1.2 Implementing a Kiosk at POS A company needs to adopt an organized approach for implementing a kiosk system at its POS sites. This strategic IT decision should be taken after careful analysis of costs and the perceived expected benefits of the implementation. The site, technology, type of kiosk to implement the hardware and software requirements, the vendors and strategic partners for the implementation are needed to be identified well before the actual implementation gets underway. As with any strategic IT implementation, the Return On Investment (ROI) must be calculated for this decision as well. However, since a number of qualitative factors are involved in this scenario, it is relatively a bit difficult to do a quantitative analysis to determine the degree of effectiveness and efficiency that a kiosk will provide to the business. This inherent limitation requires the organization to apply a focused effort to carefully examine and evaluate different criteria that it believes will have an impact on the overall implementation. 1.3 Managing the Change Although it is believed that kiosks add value to the business, yet the implementation needs to be monitored and supervised. The importance of using the right technology for the business can not be undermined; however, Mitra (2007) has pointed out the importance of employees' and customers' support towards introduction of new technology.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Bear Workshop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Bear Workshop - Essay Example The management structure has knowledgeable and dedicated staff that provide ample knowledge exchanges in an interactive environment with customers. This is a fundamental strength of a business to be able to provide better customer relationship management and provide them with exactly what customers are looking for. Clearly, the owner understands the importance of cost monitoring when it comes to purchasing and production and will likely continue these trends over the next five to ten years. Having a strategic-focused management system is the key to ensuring a proper expansion. If the business conducts regular market research using focus groups or interviews with target customers, it will likely find more success in identifying social and buying trends early in order to gain market share in the toy market. Further, growth in Internet usage in developing countries such as India, China and Pakistan will provide even more customers in an environment that is convenient. Through agreements with different distribution agencies, Build A Bear will probably be able to find low-cost distribution to ensure that many international customers are able to buy the products and have them delivered in a timely fashion. If the business remains focused on product rather than pricing, higher resource (financial) consumers will likely recognize the brand and have a loyalty that can be built up over the next five years.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Report On Managing Across Cultures Management Essay

A Report On Managing Across Cultures Management Essay The new wave of internationalisation and globalisation demands that businesses operate across the globe promoting the exchange of trade investment emigrations and the like. To remain competitive businesses must be equipped to operate across the globe which invariably means across different cultures. Consequently, adequate measures creating the right environment to conduct business successfully across the different cultures of the world in this new age is definitely imperative. The following report briefly attempts to address these recurrent inadequacies that often derail lucrative global business endeavours by trying to highlight a simple structure of initial planning, followed up by proper positioning and the final execution that can serve to assist in the management of the people that are the driving force that engineer businesses across the different cultures of the world. The methodology employed in collating this report from introduction to conclusion was via research into provided materials to decipher the required data and information that could allow the required findings emerge to shed light on more information on managing across cultures with a view contribute to this predominate predicament. INTRODUCTION Managing, it can be stated, is simply the process of directing, organising or controlling in a desired way, while culture, in very broad term is the way of life of people characterized by, amongst others things, their behaviour, beliefs and traits. The aim of this report on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Managing Across Culturesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  is to identify and explain some best practices that can be applied by managers in business when managing cross-cultural staff. It is by no means an exhaustive account of all the practices that can be applied when dealing with cross-cultural staff. The term cross-cultural staffs, simply implies staff that come from different cultural backgrounds. In this report three key stages will be used to signify the vital processes required in managing across cultures. These stages are as follows: (1) Innovation, (2) Preparation and (3) Implementation. These stages follow each other sequentially in the management of cross cultural staff and there is an attempt to show a correlation between all three stages whilst discussing the guiding principles involved in each stage. The research is sourced from renowned online academic books, journals, blogs and newspaper articles provided by the resident librarian at the university of Bedfordshire Luton park square campus Peter Godwin. Finally due to adherence to strict word limitation set for the report the explanations at each stage of the key guiding principles and application of given theories are reasonably concise but still effective. FINDINGS 1. Innovation The original convention that all management ideas and principles being generated from the core albeit suggestions from all other parts that make up the entire management chain is now proving less tenable when it comes to managing cross cultural staff successfully. Morden day practices now call for contributions from different parts of the management chain to put together ideologies that will apply adequately to cross cultural staff. There are two forms of management ideologies: Cultural control and Bureaucratic control, practiced by multinational businesses that manage cross cultural staff on a regular basis, with the cultural control being more successful than the bureaucratic control (Berry et al, p. 381). The former, on the one hand, involves the use of trained managers sent from the headquarters of the business to different locations to manage staff with policies modified to suit the local cultures of these locations. A good illustration of this managing ideology is presenting the text of company policy in the local language or languages where the company is located. For example, an English or American multinational company located in France will present the text of the company policy and all other correspondence to staff in French language though the original communiquÃÆ' © to the manager may be sent in English language. The latter, on the other hand, involves issuing guidelines for all aspect of staff a ctivities from the headquarters to all the branches of the business at different locations where managers are expected to manage staff with policies based on these guidelines. However, it should be noted that from surveys conducted, although the bureaucratic control model is more cost effective than the cultural control model in the short term, the latter will stand the company in good stead in terms of productivity, profits and staffs turn over in the long term (Berry et al, p. 381). There are other management ideologies that stem from propositions of convergence, divergence and the culture specific theories (Vecchi and Brennan 2009, p. 151). The convergence proposition supports the position that in a global age managers of cross-cultural staff adopt successful practices of their colleagues that manage other cross cultural staff to attain a high level of quality management, a practice that will work positively for cross cultural management in conjunction with the cultural control pattern of management. The divergent proposition that stands negatively against cross cultural management being more akin to bureaucratic control pattern seeks to support the position that maintaining one basic national management practice as prescribed from the central controlling body thereby disregarding the inputs of local cultures. The culture specific proposition serves to illustrate the significant influence of culture on management practices when managing cross-cultural staff. When this proposition is applied using Geert Hofstede (1980) five cultural dimensions as a comparative index, it is revealed that managers are able to appreciate the different responses of cross cultural staff based on the nature of the cultural frame work that could be either power distance, individualist, masculine, uncertainty avoidance or long term orientation. Accordingly, based on the above principle an analogy of staff from a culture with a comparatively higher power distance index may share a less cordial relationship with the manager than staff from lower levels of this cultural dimension (Vecchi and Brennan p.151). Staff from an individualist culture may tend to work better alone on most tasks while those from collectivist cultures may tend to perform better in a group. Masculine cultures may produce staffs that are target focused while feminine cultures may produce staffs that are customer centred. Those from cultures with high uncertainty avoidance will tend to be more emotional and structured in their actions while those from low uncertainty avoidance may tend to be more spontaneous and adapt quickly to change. The staff from cultures with long term orientation may tend to be tenacious and prudent while those from short term orientation may tend to be more retentive of habitual values and commitments. 2. Preparation The preparation process that is borne out of the management innovations comprises of cross cultural training. This practice follows naturally as the second step when operating a management ideology of cultural control with a convergence type attitude taking cognisance of the cultural framework of your cross cultural staff. The training is required for every employee to prepare them for their future cross cultural environments. The training of the staff can be conducted through a computer based interactive programme that each staff is mandated to take individually, a successful scheme that Accenture have conducted with relative success (Murray, 1985). Also, the training can take the form of re-enactments of actual culturally sensitive scenarios that have occurred in the work place by professional artists to heighten their effect with a view to correcting what ever misconstrued notions, attitudes and behaviours that the employees may have developed as a result of this cultural misunderstanding. This training pattern was successfully conducted by Lehman Brothers (Murray, 1985). There are other patterns of training involving, spontaneous on the spot addressing of cross cultural incidents born out of cultural misunderstanding that occur within the work environment. This training solution has been successfully deplored by a London based inter-cultural training consultancy, Future Considerations (Murray 1985). The training of managers to apply western styled management techniques to others cultures and vice versa (Berry et al, p. 383). The personal and impersonal domain patterns of leadership techniques include technocratic and charismatic leadership and participative leadership, team work and reward schemes respectively. The personal domain will be easily appreciated by cultures that are of low power distance index, uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation but are individualist and masculine, while the impersonal domain will appeal more to cultures that are of the reverse. 3. Implementation The implementation process of actualizing the foregoing stages also follows naturally from the preparation stage. At this stage, all employees,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ managers and staff inclusive are encouraged to put the training brought about by the ideologies into practice to reflect the desired management direction. The idea of cultural collaboration, it has now been discovered, to be the end result of innovative management ideologies reinforced through inter cultural training. A simple illustration can be drawn from an exercise where an anthropologist observing staff of a company with cross cultural staff who regularly meet in a designated section of their office that was scheduled for reorganisation that would relocate certain furniture that the staff had cause to deliberated over thereby individually expressing their ideas on work related issues borne out of their cultural background that usually led to positive results arrived at harmoniously. Based on the advice of the anthropolo gist, the furniture was not relocated instead more designated sections were created in other sections of the company to promote cultural collaboration amongst cross cultural staff (Marrewijk, 2009). The idea of cultural collaboration as a positive tool in management across cultures cannot be over emphasised because it creates a harmonious environment where acceptance of cultural diversity can thrive without reprove. CONCLUTION In this report, the focus has been on an attempt to present key stages that are by no means exhaustive or independently distinctive, involved in the process of managing across cultures in a concise and effective way. As a result, three stages: innovation, preparation and implementation were identified. The innovation stage is where the ideologies on cross-cultural management are formulated, the preparation stage is where these ideologies are developed and the implementation stage is where these developed ideologies are manifested. In sum, innovation leads to developed ideologies and the result: desired better successful management across cultures and of cross-cultural staff.

Monday, January 20, 2020

My Antonia Essay: Independence and Belonging -- My Antonia Essays

Independence and Belonging in My Antonia  Ã‚   In My Antonia there are two types of women, those who want to have a man and those who don ¹t. The key word is want, at no point does a woman need a man in the entire course of the novel. From the Hired Girls to Tiny Soderball and Lena Lingard women are capable of self sufficiency and happiness. The majority of the truly contented people are either alone or living without the opposite sex. Antonia and Cuzak are the only example of a  ³normal ² happy couple, all others have some problems that prevent a normal relationship. In the Hired Girls Antonia and Lena are depicted as strong, independent women who work to support themselves and their families and enjoying themselves as they see fit.  ³...Country girls who had come to town to earn a living, and in nearly every case, to help the father struggle out of debt, or to make it possible for the younger children of the family to go to school. ²(My Antonia, Willa Cather. p.172) In this case it is the father who needs the daughter as opposed to the more tradit...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pelican Stores Chapter 2 Case Study Statistics

Analysis of Data: Pelican Stores; National Clothing With the given data, it is feasible to find numerous comparisons and correlations in the within the numbers given. The most relevant data to the given case refers to the type of customer (whether or not the customer used the promotional coupon) as well as the number of purchases made using the various forms of payment mentioned within the data table.As the Case Problem introduction stated, there were 100 sales included in the data set, using four different methods of payment, to assess the use and productivity of the promotional coupon. Pelican Stores sent out a promotional coupon to boost sales and gain a new customer base, relying on the assumption that the promotional coupon will draw in those people. The key notes of the data to note that pertain to the productivity of the coupon is the Type Of Customer column.The data given is either â€Å"regular† or â€Å"promotional†. The â€Å"regular† customers are tho se who did NOT receive the promotional coupon, and are assumed to be already returning customers. The â€Å"promotional† customers are assumed to be new customers, because the only people who received the promotional coupon were â€Å"new customers† who had shopped at other National Clothing stores, but not at the Pelican brand stores. Another notable part of the data in this section is the Method of Payment bar graph.Note that the â€Å"Proprietary Card† payment method indicates purchases made by customers of other National Clothing stores (the Proprietary Card is a charge card only available through National Clothing). Figure 1: Shows the distribution of sales between the four different payment methods; Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Proprietary Car Figure 2: Shows the distribution of customer type between the two options; Regular (returning Pelican Stores customers) and Promotional (those who received the promotional coupon)

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Research Study On Mental Illness - 1382 Words

In just a small, pink, squishy orb, many thoughts and memories are stored. The inside of a brain has always been a touchy subject, mostly because most just don’t understand how it works. Brains are trying to figure out how it can think, talk, remember, and even change. Everyone’s brain is different, inside and out. Most minds are small and round, but sometimes the brain looks different. In recent studies, scientists have learned the brain can have abnormalities, which usually leads to a mental illness. Another risky subject in the world is mental illness. Some people say that it is made up. Which it is not, because now science can prove how it is. It is not hard to see the difference between a â€Å"normal† brain, and an ill one. Someone who studies the nature of the mind is known as a psychologist. A psychologist can be in many different job scenarios, but the most recent expansion is the forensic psychologists. (Cherry) Their job is to determine if someone did the crime he or she did, and if they knew they did or not. For years on end, killers have gotten away scot-free, until the invention of forensic psychology. Before forensic psychology came about, the solving of crimes was almost impossible. Forensic psychology coined its name in 1970. Psychology did not necessarily help out as much in the criminal field, before 1970. A fundamental conviction consisted of only the relevant answers. The answer to the questions of who, how, when, where, and most importantly why. Pacchelli 2Show MoreRelatedAn Examination Of Attitudes, Beliefs, And Understanding Of Mental Illness1449 Words   |  6 PagesThe current proposed research aims to provide an examination of attitudes, beliefs, and understanding of mental illness and treatment seeking behaviours by British individuals of West African descent. 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